Karate Terms


Ichi (一) --- One

Ni (二) --- Two

San (三) --- Three

Si (四) --- Four

Go (五) --- Five

Roku (六­) --- Six

Sichi (七) --- Seven

Hachi (八) --- Eight

Ku (九) --- Nine

Ju (十) --- Ten


Hajime --- Begin / Start / Go

Kamaete --- Move into stance

Mawatte --- Turn around

Mokuso --- Close your eyes and meditate

Mokuso yame --- Open your eyes. Literally, "Stop mokuso"

Otogi ni rei --- Bow to each other

Rei --- Bow as a sign of respect

Seiza --- Kneel down

Sensei ni rei --- Bow to the instructor

Shomen ni rei --- Bow to the dojo

Yame --- Stop


Age-uke --- Rising block

Empi-uchi --- Elbow strike

Gedan-barai --- Downward block

Gyaku-zuki --- Reverse punch

Kiba-dachi --- Straddle-leg stance

Kokutsu-dachi --- Back stance

Mae-geri --- Front kick

Mae-geri keage --- Front snap kick

Mae-geri kekom --- Front thrust kick

Mawashi-geri --- Roundhouse kick

Oi-zuke --- Lunge punch

Shuto-uke --- Knife hand block

Stuo-uke --- Outside to inside forearm block

Ude-uke --- Inside to outside forearm block

Yoke-geri --- Back kick

Ushiro-geri keage --- Backward snap kick

Ushiro-geri kekom --- Backward thrust kick

Yoke-geri --- Side kick

Yoke-geri keage --- Side snap kick

Yoke-geri kekom --- Side thrust kick

Zenkutsu-dach --- Front stance

Other common terms

Dojo --- Training Hall

Domo Arigato --- Thank You

Empi --- Elbow

Karate --- Literally translated "Empty Hand"

Karategi --- A Karate Uniform (GI)

Karateka --- A Practitioner of Karate

Kiai --- A sharp sound made at the moment of focus to aid in tensing the body muscles

Kumite --- Sparring

Kyu --- Any Belt Grade Below a Black Belt

Osu --- Traditional Military Greeting

Riken --- Back Fist

Sempai --- A Senior Person in a School

Sensei --- Teacher

Shuto --- Knife Hand

Uke --- To Block